USER GUIDE: Audience Intelligence by Flow State

Our audience intelligence live dashboards and reports give you powerful insights into your target accounts and prospects, which you can use to gain a competitive advantage in market.

What is Audience Intelligence?

Audience Intelligence is the perfect tool for marketers, sales people, and research teams who are looking to take a modern, personalised approach to social media. Our solution provides key data insights into your target audience so you can drive meaningful engagements with them!

Quick tour the key features of our dashboards

Take a quick walk through the key features of our Audience Intelligence dashboards:


  • What data is in each section
  • What can it tell you
  • How can you search and filter it


Audience Intelligence for Marketers

Where do I find the live dashboards?

The live dashboards are available on your Program Hub. If you have lost the URL or need a password reset, please email the team or send us a support request through chat.

How do I use the dashboards?

You can search and filter the data in the dashboards in a variety of ways.

Searching use keywords, hashtags, or names to search the content within the Audience Intelligence dashboards. The search is [exact match] so you may need to test a few variations.

Filtering you can select various elements in the dashboards to filter or focus on specific data. Try clicking on charts or data points in tables to analyse a subset of the data.

Time Period – Coming Soon! The current data set is updated daily and all pulled into the live view. Soon you will be able to select specific time periods to filter your report data.

Can I share or export the data?

Yes, you can.

Sharing – you can download PDF copies of your current view, as well as share the live link to the dashboard.

Exporting – you can export data from certain elements using contextual options.

Can I import the data to my CRM or Sales Pipeline software?

We can help you with that!

We offer a “mini CRM” solution to allow us to securely manage and sync data from us to you. If you would like more information on how this works, please drop us an email or a message in chat and we will send you a solution summary.


Can I focus on specific Accounts or Prospects?

Yes, you can.

You can either filter the reports yourself (see 2. How do I use the dashboards) or we can pre-configure custom dashboards for you (see 7. I run ABM, can I have individual dashboards for specific target accounts).


Can I have a custom dashboard?

Yes, you can.

We can happily build bespoke dashboards based on your requirements. We’ll need to chat to scope these and quote them for you, please send a brief to us with your requirements and we’ll get in touch to have a chat.


I run ABM, can I have individual dashboards for specific target accounts?

Yes, you can.

We can happily build bespoke dashboards based on your requirements. We’ll need to chat to scope these and quote them for you, please send a brief to us with your requirements and we’ll get in touch to have a chat.


Audience Intelligence for Sales

When will I receive my Opportunity to Engage (OTE) reports?

Your Opportunity to Engage reports are curated by our team and delivered to you directly every week on Monday. We send you a PDF with pre-filtered relevant data based on your target audience, specific areas of interest, and your target market. 

If you would like on demand access to the live dashboard, you can access this through your Program Hub or directly by requesting the link from our team or your Program Lead.

What if my audience doesn’t post anything?

You may find that the majority, or in some cases, all of your audience won’t post content themselves. If your posts page is empty, don’t worry, jump ahead to the Audience Behaviour page to see what they have been doing. 

We can also extend our research into other social networks and online channels to provide you with a broader view of your prospects beyond LinkedIn. 

Can I see a live version of this data?

Yes, you can.

Let us or your Program Lead know and we can share the link to your dashboard with you. Read the For Marketers section to learn how to use the live dashboard. 

What if the data isn’t relevant to me?

Sometimes it takes a bit of additional research and analysis for us to find what you’re looking for. If you’re data isn’t aligned with your requirements, please advise your Program Lead or contact our team and we can do some additional digging to update your reports.

When you brief your Program Lead or our team, think about:

  • Key topics or areas of interest for you personally
  • What’s happening in your market
  • Industry trends or resaerch topics
  • Common customer challenges or requirements
  • Your discovery process

This information can help us filter your audience activity more specifically for you. 

Can you provide more research on my prospects?

Yes, we can.

We can dig deeper into specific accounts and/or prospects to provide you with information to support your sales conversations, such as:

  • What other social networks are they active on?
  • What websites or social profiles do they engage with?
  • What broader topics or themes are they interested in?
  • What podcasts or YouTube channels do they follow?

Extended audience research is available upon request from our team. 

Can you find contact data for my prospects?

Yes, we can.

We can provide further contact data points to support multi or omni channel sales cadence such as:

  • Work email address
  • Direct dial 
  • Mobile number
  • Working location address
  • Social profiles

Extended contact data is provided as part of our growth programs through our Mini CRM.