The implications of ai

The Flow State Podcast

Join us for a thought-provoking journey into the world of AI and its impact on life, the universe and… the digital industry.

Five episodes, five very different perspectives, a whole lot of questions.


Meet The AI Interrogators

Leenesha Friend

Leenesha Friend

Marketing Manager, Don't Panic Events

Eve Chen

Eve Chen

Author Speaker & Lecturer, Ascending Growth

Terri Owens

Terri Owens

General Manager, Product, Data & Tech, GroupM

Melinda Stuart

Melinda Stuart

Marketing Program Manager, InterSystems

Brooke Hill

Brooke Hill

Founder & Director, The Content(ed) Copywriter

The implications of AI, The Flow State Podcast Season 1, Stuart P Turner

What do we talk about?

Welcome to the AI revolution, where we’ll explore the explosive rise of this technological juggernaut that’s taken the world by storm in 2023! Join us as we delve deep into the mysteries of AI and tackle the big questions: What’s the deal with AI suddenly being everywhere? Should we be scared or excited about the imminent arrival of our robot overlords? And most importantly, what can we actually do with this stuff? Our diverse group of guests will offer a range of perspectives on the implications of AI for jobs, education, and the entire human race. 

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