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Organic reach on LinkedIn.com from our team content
This chart shows the total number of views from content published by our team on LinkedIn.com. This is important because it tells us if we are building and/or maintaining visibility across the network for both our team members and our content – sharing key messages with our network.
Number of posts & engagement rate
Earned media value of organic post reach on Linkedin.com
Number of prospects in target audience & % connected to the team
Number of accounts in target audience & avg. number of prospects in buying groups
This chart compares the number of companies in our target audiences compared with the average number of decision makers across those companies. This is important because, according to Gartner research, there can be anywhere from 6-10 decision makers involved in a significant B2B buying decision.
Reach by team member – who generated the biggest reach?
Friendly competition time! This chart illustrates who in the team has generated the most reach with their posts. The number of views a team member can generate is influenced by the number of posts we get approved and published, the amount of traction they gain within the network and the amount of engagement on the posts themselves.
Engagement by team member – who was the most engaging?
Note: you will occasionally see big numbers here as when a popular post is re-shared the total engagement of the original AND share post is taken into account.
Earned media value – who saved the most advertising money?
Friendly competition time! This chart illustrates who in the team has generated the most earned media value from their content. The earned media value is calculated using an average CPM in USD. The bigger the reach, the bigger the value.