The Benefits of LinkedIn Marketing: Six Reasons Why We Think It’s Useful

LinkedIn is often overlooked as “just for recruitment” or a place to get spammed by sales people. But we know better than that, don’t we? 

If you ask us, we think LinkedIn is a particularly useful but underutilised network. It offers a huge opportunity to improve a company’s marketing and sales efforts.

LinkedIn has a reputation for being a site for HR and recruitment (and more recently, spammy sales outreach).

We see it as a business tool first and foremost, despite its efforts to be a social network. This is what led to the development of our solutions.

Here are six reasons why we think LinkedIn should be part of your marketing strategy:

1. LinkedIn holds a huge amount of valuable data (that we can help you access and utilise).

LinkedIn houses a large database of prospects, many of whom are quite active. It also holds huge amounts of marketing data that you can deploy to other channels. It is a huge, cost-free sales and marketing database.

It would be crazy not to use LinkedIn as a B2B prospect database. That’s why we’re here. You can access and use this data with our assistance; we have created our own unique dashboard, unique reporting, and two distinct programs that we can quickly run and deploy for you.


2. LinkedIn allows you to build a clear picture of your audience.

LinkedIn makes it really simple to create a picture of who your audience is, where they are, and what interests them because it is a free database that represents a sizeable proportion of your prospects. We can come to your rescue with our Social Listening solution for those directives.


3. LinkedIn is easy to embed in your business as a…

1. Data source

Linkedin holds a plethora of data that you can access and utilise (with our help!) to build your audience and enrich your customer relationship management (CRM).

 2. Research tool

LinkedIn makes for an effective research tool because it makes researching the demographics, interests, and activities of your prospects easier.

3. Marketing channel

Due to its readily available data, LinkedIn is the ideal platform for social listening campaigns that you can utilise to narrow in on your target market. Don’t worry, we can help you with these.

… and a

3. Sales enablement platform

With the proper training, LinkedIn can be used to streamline your team’s online presence. It can also be used as a prospect database to create a sales pipeline. We can provide you and your team with training so you can use the tools more efficiently.


4. LinkedIn strikes a good balance between organic and paid routes to your audience.

LinkedIn offers more than just “pay-to-play” content. It finds a solid balance between traditional and paid reach from pages and profiles. It also features a number of tactical tools and direct communication solutions.


5. LinkedIn Sales Navigator is actually helpful (if you know what you’re doing).

Many large-scale business-to-business (B2B) brands allocate a major portion of their budget to Sales Navigator each year, but do not fully utilise it. This is where we come in. We can help you and teach you to use Sales Navigator to its full potential. With our assistance, your brand won’t waste valuable resources.


6. LinkedIn makes it easy for us to help YOU.

At Flow State, we see LinkedIn for what it primarily is: a tool for business. It functions as a social network, a database, and a tool for businesses. We are able to utilise it in all three ways.

Additionally, LinkedIn enables us to combine strategies that are challenging to achieve on other social networking sites, especially if you have large teams.

We can guide you with using LinkedIn as a tool for your business. We can also help you with organising your team so that you can use LinkedIn and all of its features to grow your brand.