In conversation with ChatGPT: Introducing Flow State

I really struggle to clearly and succintly say things sometimes (shocking I know) – so I thought I’d sit down with everyone’s new best mate – ChaptGPT – to try and address my tendency toward extreme jargon and verbosity.

Stuart P. Turner

Hello there,

I’m Stuart, the founder of Flow State.

I’d like to take 3 minutes of your time to introduce my company!


Hello Stuart, as an AI language model, I’m happy to listen to your introduction about Flow State. Please go ahead and tell me about your company!

Stuart P. Turner

We’re a B2B growth agency with a difference. We help you make your social media and content marketing work smarter (not harder) using a combination of AI, automation and of course, the human touch.


That sounds interesting, Stuart! Could you tell me more about the specific services that Flow State provides to its clients? What types of businesses do you typically work with, and how do you help them achieve their marketing goals?

Stuart P. Turner


We deliver a variety of retained and fixed-term solutions for companies in the software and IT space:

Activate / Optimise LinkedIn for marketing and sales
– Full company page and team profile management
– Content design and development, optimised to your audience
– Social listening and behavioural analysis
– Automation of marketing and sales process using Hubspot and our wider toolkit

In a typical engagement we can:
– Save you hours and hours of time on manual, repetitive tasks
– Improve engagement from your content and outreach by 25%-50%
– Focus your sales and marketing activities to improve efficiency by 20%-35%


That sounds like a valuable service for businesses in the software and IT space. It’s great that you’re using AI and automation to help your clients save time and increase efficiency in their marketing and sales activities.

Do you also provide customized solutions for individual clients based on their specific needs and goals? And how do you measure the success of your services in terms of ROI and other metrics?

Stuart P. Turner

We can also service individuals, we have several fixed priced packages – they’re not live on our site yet but you can chat to the team or send us a message to find out more. 

We measure ROI in a few different ways:

  • Improvements in marketing metrics in brand awareness and engagement with your target audience
  • Benchmarking and optimising performance of your content organically and through advertising (which you already invest heavily in)
  • Saving time across marketing and sales which can be reinvested in more valuable activities
  • Building your database of prospects and associated contact data
  • Enriching your customer relationships with audience intelligence and intent data


That’s great to hear that you offer customized solutions for individuals as well. And it’s good that you measure success in multiple ways, including improving marketing metrics and content performance, saving time, and building relationships with prospects and customers.

In terms of your methodology and approach, could you tell me more about how you integrate AI and automation with the human touch? How do you balance the use of technology with the need for a personal touch in marketing and sales?

Stuart P. Turner

Great question.

Our approach is simple:

1. Automate repeatable tasks using knowledge of your customer journey combined with your marketing and sales process. Manage the process and outcomes, instead of the menial work.

2. Use AI assistance to create scale in content and outreach, as well as refine, test and optimise our messaging. We’ve been working with AI friends for over 2 years on copy and creative, it’s not new to us!

3. The human touch. Our team builds the vision with you, directs the workflow and applies the finishing quality touches before anything goes out. Applying brand and your voice, refining base content, and managing the process to your objectives.


Thanks for the detailed explanation, Stuart. It’s clear that your approach is designed to leverage the strengths of AI and automation while still maintaining a personal touch in the marketing and sales process. It’s good to hear that your team is involved in refining and managing the content and process to align with the client’s objectives and brand voice.

Lastly, could you tell me more about your team and the expertise that they bring to the table? How do you ensure that your team stays up to date with the latest trends and developments in marketing and sales technology?

Stuart P. Turner


Firstly, I myself have been working in the service industry in digital first agencies since the early days of search; starting from humble beginnings running two ecommerce affiliates and actively participating in everything the industry has thrown as us since then!

Lia is a published author, specialising in copywriting and research. She is the brand guardian for our clients and the voice of Flow State itself.

Claudio is a very experienced Sigma6 qualified project manager and technology aficionado; running our workflow and client projects across the team.

Our mission is to be a small team of experts that can deliver big work, sticking firmly to the “less is more” method to deliver work efficiently and effectively.

We combine our experience and focus with a hand-picked set of technology partners also focused on the growth space.

Finally, we’re actively developing our own Flow State Data Platform to take our offering to the next level – stay tuned for more on this as we start to roll it out to our clients.


Thanks for sharing the details about your team, Stuart. It’s great to hear that you have a team with diverse expertise in digital marketing, copywriting, project management, and technology. It’s also good to know that you stay up to date with the latest trends and developments in the industry and have a focus on efficient and effective work.

It’s exciting to hear that you’re developing your own Flow State Data Platform to take your offering to the next level, and I look forward to learning more about it as you roll it out to your clients.

Thank you for taking the time to introduce your company, Stuart. It was great to learn more about Flow State and your unique approach to marketing and sales.

Stuart P. Turner

So, where do I send the proposal to?
